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Croissant Recipe

Croissant Recipe


  • 600g AP Flour
  • 10g Salt
  • 50g sugar 
  • 7g Instant Yeast
  • 380g Milk
  • 100g pliable butter 
  • 350g cold butter for lamination
  • Egg wash for brushing the tops of croissant before they go into the oven

Making the Dough:

  1. Combine all of the dough ingredients, except the butter, in the bowl of the stand mixer and using the dough hook, mix, beginning at slow speed.
  2. .When dough starts to come together add the butter. Increase speed until the dough is blended together.
  3. Blend until the dough comes away from the sides of the bowl and looks smooth and even (like skin), this time will vary depending on the strength of your machine and size of recipe. Approximately 10 mins.
  4. Remove from the mixing bowl and form into a ball.. Let the dough rest on a lightly greased surface, grease the top of dough, cover with seran wrap and let rest at least 1 hour before rolling. 

Laminating the Dough:

  1. Roll the dough into a 10x10 square or 1 forearm x 1 forearm square. Using a cheese grater, shred the butter in the middle of the dough, press down and fold dough corners into the center of the dough, like an envelope. 
  2. Seam side up, roll the dough into a rectangle (1 forearm x 1 ½ forearm) and do a pamphlet fold (producing 3 layers). Seran wrap and rest in the fridge for 10-15  minutes.

Envelope Fold

  1. Roll out dough to a rectangle (1 forearm x 1 ½ forearm) a second time and do a booklet turn (producing 4 layers), seran wrap again and into the fridge.
  2. Roll out dough to a rectangle (1 forearm x 1 ½ forearm), do the final fold, a pamphlet fold, seran wrap and into the fridge. You have now done 3 folds/ turns. Once completed you have prepared the Paton.

book foldletter fold pastry

Rolling and Baking the Croissants:

  1. Roll the dough into a rectangle and cut into triangle shapes. Dough should be approximately ⅛ inch thick.  You can freeze the croissants at this stage. 
  2. Let your croissants proof and grow on a parchment lined baking sheet that you will be baking them on.  Place your croissants spaced out and cover lightly with seran wrap while they grow. This step will take approximately 3-4 hours Leave on your counter top depending on the temperature of your space. The warmer environment will result in a faster proofing. Alternatively you can let your croissant grow slowly in the fridge for 7-8hours. This is a great option if you want warm croissants for breakfast. Let your croissant grow overnight in the fridge so you can bake them fresh the following morning.
  3. Your croissants are fully proofed when they ‘jiggle’ when you shake the tray and they have doubled in size.
  4. Egg wash and bake at 375 for 15-20minutes until golden brown. 


** Please Note: If you are planning to bake frozen croissants, they will have to thaw before proofing so the process of proofing will take longer. 
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