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Le DolciLe Dolci
Sweet Scone Class

Sweet Scone Class

Yields: 8 scones 


  • 2 cups Flour
  • ½ sugar 
  • 1T Baking Powder 
  • 1/4tsp Salt
  • ½ Cold Butter 
  • 1 Egg 
  • ½ cup Cream 
  • ½ cup mix-ins such as chocolate, dried fruit, nuts, marshmallows etc.  


  1. Whisk together the dry ingredients.
  2. Combine all wet ingredients in a measuring jug.
  3. Grate cold butter into dry ingredients and toss.
  4. Add mix in’s and toss.
  5. Add wet ingredients to dry and stir until combined. DO NOT OVER MIX 
  6. Scoop or spoon out scones onto a baking tray about ¼ cup in size.
  7. Bake at 350 for 20- 25 mins 
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