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Le DolciLe Dolci
We've added an extra doughnut class for you this month! 🍩🍩🍩⁠

We've added an extra doughnut class for you this month! 🍩🍩🍩⁠

You've reached out in messages and over email and the demand has been overwhelming so we've added an extra session of doughnut making class this month. Find it in our schedule on ⁠
📆 Sunday, May 21st⁠
🕛 10am until 12pm⁠

Learn the fundamentals of creating brioche doughnuts, including rolling, cutting, proofing and frying. Leave with a box of the beautiful and yummy donuts you will have made! This is one of our most popular classes and it's SO. MUCH. FUN!⁠

Book your class HERE
We can't wait to make doughnuts with you!⁠

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