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The Ubuntu Holiday Initiative happened today (& tomorrow) at our studio!

The Ubuntu Holiday Initiative happened today (& tomorrow) at our studio!

The Ubuntu Holiday Initiative happened today (& tomorrow) at our studio!

The amazing group of volunteers today baked, packed and created some holiday magic for the following organizations in Toronto. 

There has been an even bigger need from these organizations then originally anticipated, and we’ve got our work cut out for us.  The two day event plan is to:

  • Bake over 2500 holiday cookies.
  • Prepare and deliver over 400 hot meals.
  • Organize and deliver over 400 winter care kits.
  • Wrap and deliver over 100 special gifts for kids and families in need. 

For those of you walking by today and smelling all the lovely cookies, if you want to support Ubuntu Collective you can make a donation here or join up to be a volunteer at the next event:

After seeing the amazing gang of fabulous humans today baking and singing together, I am sure that this organization can make a tremendous difference in the lives of many in the city of Toronto! 

Big Holiday Gingerbread Love to you all and a big thank you to Q for organzing this all! 

xoLisa, Amanda and Imke

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